Faculty Recognitions/Fellowships : 1. Prof. Pradeep Mathur has been invited to serve on the editorial Board of the Journal of Organometallic Chemistry(2009 onwards). 2. Prof. R. Murugavel has been elected as the Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences. 3. Prof. R.B. Sunoj has been conferred with the National Academy of Sciences-India platinum jubilee young scientist award(2008) and UDCT-Foundation day young scientist Award(2008) . 4. Prof. S.R.Kotha has been invited to serve on the Editorial Board of Journal of Chemical Sciences from Jan 1st 2008. 5. Prof. M.K.Mishra has been appointed as an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 6. Prof. S.R Kotha has been inducted on the Editorial Board of "Journal of Amino Acids"(Hindawi Publishing Corporation). 7. Prof. Kaliappan has been selected for the B.M.Birla Award for the year 2007. 8. Prof. Sunoj has been chosen for the IIT Bombay Young Investigator Award for 2006. 9. Prof. K.P Kaliappan has been awarded the Swaranjayanti Fellowship for the year 2006-2007. 10. Prof. R.B Sunoj has been selected as young Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore 2006-2009. 11. Prof. H.B.Singh received the Ramanna Fellowship from D.S.T. 12. Prof. S.R.Kotha awarded the Punjab University Bhagyatara Award for 2005. 13. Prof. Nand Kishore elected to the Fellowship of National Academy of Sciences. 14. Prof.C.P.Rao has been inducted into the Editorial Board of the Indian Journal of Chemistry A. 15. Prof. A.K. Singh - becomes the new Dean Academics Programs of IIT Bombay. 16. Prof. H. B. Singh appointed to the Advisory Editorial Board of CHEM.LETT. for 3 years term. 17. Prof. Anil Kumar - Invited to join the Advisory Editorial Board of J. Macromolecular Science-Polymer Reviews. 18. Prof. M. K. Mishra - Invited to serve on the editorial board of 'Advances in Quantum Chemistry' for three years with retrospective effect from Jan 1st, 2005. 19. Prof. Nand Kishore - Invited to serve on the Board of Associate Editors of Journal of Indian Chem. Soc. - Physical Chemistry Section from January 2004. 20. Prof. S. R. Kotha - Best Research Paper Award 2004(IITB). 21. Nobel Laureate-Prof. Alan G. MacDiarmid becomes Distinguished Guest Professor of the Department of Chemistry, IITB. 22. Prof. G. K. Lahiri FASc., - Elected as a fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Banglore. 23. Prof. P. Mathur - S. C. Bhattacharya Award for Pure Sciences of IITB. |